We pride ourselves on having happy customers.

Lykke & Co. A/S facilitates a number of different educational games for companies and entertaining team building activities, that we have developed on our own. We are based in Denmark, but we facilitate our virtual games for businesses worldwide.

We offer all of our games in English. Selected games are also available in German and Danish.

On this page, you can find some references and insight into what our customers say about us.

If you are from a global company with several departments, we may have played a game with another department of yours, and we can give you the name of a colleague who has tried one of the games themselves.

+4.823 completed events

Swiss Re Management Ltd.

Just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for the perfect team building yesterday! Everyone was having fun, it was really well thought of and you guys are amazing! I already had people asking me for your contact for their team buildings and I’m definitely recommending you to everyone I know. Thank you for your hard work and dedication and hope to see you again sometimes!


Swiss Re Management Ltd.
Tina Boseska, Assistant GDS, Information Technology


Det blev fremhævet, at du gennemførte det virkeligt godt på engelsk og fremstod med stor autoritet, så fra det øjeblik du gik ind i rummet fik du alle med. Spillet var sjovt og tilpas udfordrende og vi fik belyst nogen virkelig gode ting ift. vores samarbejde – dem fik vi indarbejdet i vores fælles retningslinjer for hvordan vi skal samarbejde fremadrettet i teamet. Jeg vi også fremhæve at din tilstedeværelse/facilitering var rigtig god – du var tilstede/blandede dig i det helt rigtige omfang – hverken for meget eller for lidt. Der er blevet snakket meget om vores spil på kontoret i dag og jeg er sikker på, at der er mange Grundfos kollegaer der gerne vil have været med.

Marie Kloppenborg Jensen, Senior Manager

Novo Nordisk

Synes konceptet var helt fantastisk – vi lærte en del i både quizzen, aktiviteterne og samarbejdet i grupperne. Boldene til pointtællingerne var også geniale. Har kun hørt positive bemærkninger fra mine kollegaer 🙂

Novo Nordisk
Dorte Nørgaard-Pedersen, Senior Lab Tech


Just a quick note to say a very big thank you for the amazing team build event we had today for Experian. What a well organised event and so much fun! We will be keeping our eyes peeled for Andrea Miller joining our Finance team! 🙂 Once again, a big thank you – it was so much fun to break away from work tasks for a couple of hours.

Experian Caroldene,

EKF Danmarks Eksportkredit

Det var en virkelig god formiddag og jeg har kun hørt glade tilbagemeldinger på både indhold og udførsel. Du i særdeleshed skinnede i rollen. Tak også for alle billederne. Jeg registrerede slet ikke, at I tog så mange! Dem får jeg downloadet og lagt på vores intranet. Hils teamet – måske vores veje mødes igen ved lejlighed…

EKF Danmarks Eksportkredit
Hedda Coughlan, Executive Assistant

En super oplevelse for os alle i teamet. Alle synes, det var sjovt. Erfaringerne/legen spillede også rigtig godt ind i, hvor vi er som team. Kæmpe tak for en både god, lærerig og sjov oplevelse og håndtering 😊. Meget prof. Anbefaler helt sikkert til andre. Det kunne virkelig noget.

Schur International Holding a/s
Trine M. Nielsen,

We have organized a virtual team building activity with Lykke & Co. The event was seamless, fun and hassle free. Their services by far exceeded our expectations and we’d be glad to work with them again.

Jebel Ali, Regional Marketing Head Beauty Care Retail – MEA


I would like to say big thanks to you and your team for giving us the full 2hrs of fun last week. Jonas and Michael were very professional, really fun and great to us. We are aware that it was very early for them too, so thanks everyone that needed to get up so early for us – both front and behind the camera. Because of this success, I would like to share our story to another team so, hopefully, we could use your service again. We did do over all feedback and the team gave 5 stars to this activity. Bravo!! 😊

Wanida Quieti, OPE Upstream Asia DCTI Program Manager


Thanks so much, the event was a total success! Jake, Jonas and Chris were so enthusiastic and going all out in their roles, so fun! I also think that Jake did such a good job at responding to the comments in the live chat and keeping a really good energy level and interactive atmosphere throughout the game. Keep up the good work, you all added a bit of good fun to our lives in the midst of these slightly depressing and isolated times. Big thanks again to you and the team!

Christine Maree, Team Development Lead

Google Ireland Ltd.

Recently for our cross-functional corporate event we were looking for a fun and engaging activity to give our teamwork and motivation a boost. Lykke & Co. has done an absolutely fantastic job in hosting a challenging and slightly competitive event that really helped our team work closely together in a fun setting. Especially their personal approach and ability to create an inclusive environment digitally was a refreshing and exciting experience for us all. Hence I would strongly recommend Lykke & Co. for folks that are looking for an engaging online team experience.

Google Ireland Ltd.
Vincent Laduc, Business Analyst


Arrangementet og jeres facilitatorer har fået mange roser i dag, så tak for en virkelig god oplevelse. Især Peter havde en fantastisk indlevelse, der virkelig engagerede alle og skabte en god stemning. Jeg vil helt klart anbefale jer hvis andre mangler noget til et event. Så endnu en gang tak, og rigtig god weekend.

Rikke Rahbek Dorset, Head of People & Performance

Danfoss A/S

Det var en stor succes og dine 3 kolleger gjorde det supergodt! Det var godt tilrettelagt og folk var meget begejstrede…

Danfoss A/S
Iben Gjedsted Christensen, HR Partner

Congratulations to the whole organization, it was very professional, went fluently and also well done to all the actors!

BCD Meetings & Events
Marjan, Project Leader


Vi siger tak for en rigtig god eftermiddag, som blev afviklet super professionelt af jer. Tusinde tak for det.

Bettina Maj Abramowitz Rothe, Chefkonsulent


I want to thank you and your colleagues for organizing everything and all the hard work you did. I was really worried how everything will go, because it’s a new format for us. But turns out that there was nothing to worry about. Everybody had a lot of fun and I received only positive feedbacks. You are doing a great job connecting people together and helping them to learn how to cooperate with each other. It means a lot for us during these pandemic times. Thank you again! It was nice communicating and spending time with you.

Sofiya Bodnar, Travel manager / HR assistant

We wanted to shout out to you & your team and send you a BIG thank you for very entertaining 2 hours! I think our team liked it a lot, we were speaking after it a bit more and laughed a lot. The time building up to the event was fantastic, the communication perfect and you made our first online Christmas Party a success. We wish you and your team a joyous festive season, a healthy and good start into the New Year and all the Best with for your future!

Hubject GmbH
Peggy Eldred, Office Management

The event was super fun! We spent nearly two hours getting to the bottom of a criminal case – with live actors, clues, notifications and so on. The professionalism and attention to detail provided by the organiser were outstanding, and I highly recommend you look at their offers. I was surprised to find out how much information one can pull from a fun virtual game. Most importantly, it presented me with a unique opportunity to observe the team in a non-work related environment. When you work in remote settings, it’s easy to oversee how critical those situations are and how much you can learn from them.

Unusual Marketing
Kasia Pawlik, CEO & Founder


The feedback from the team was excellent! The storyline is good and brings the players outside their day to day issues, which was very good. The feedback from the team was excellent.

Matthieu Jaunatre, Manager, Project Quality, Offshore

Region Sjælland

Virkelig fedt event, som satte fokus på samarbejde og kommunikation. Derudover var det skide sjovt 🙂

Region Sjælland
Hadi Mazher Meaidi, Koncern IT

Holckenhavn Slot

Vi har siden 2007 arbejdet tæt sammen med Lykke & Co. Vi har i denne periode gennemført over 100 arrangementer med Lykke & Co. som leverandør. Vi oplever Lykke & Co. som en utrolig professionel samarbejdspartner, der altid sætter en ære i at levere nogle flotte arrangementer. Vi får rigtig gode tilbagemeldinger på spillene. Vores gæster synes instruktørerne, rekvisitterne og hele historien og opbygningen er meget realistisk og levende. Vi kan således på alle fronter give Lykke & Co. vores varmeste anbefalinger.

Holckenhavn Slot
Dennis Hou Holck, Ejer

Scandiloc A/S

Gennemført koncept med engagerede instruktører, som er meget troværdige og gør spillet endnu bedre. Det var god underholdning, som der blev talt om hele aftenen.

Scandiloc A/S
Katja Grotenberg, Logistik Assistent

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Thank you for the Virtual Team Building event, you made us the investigators! All of the team members appreciated it and they said it was interesting, fun and of course enjoyed the team togetherness in solving an issue. We never tried this virtual activity before, but this experience is beyond expectation and definitely will be in the options while conducting events in the future.

Thermo Fisher Scientific
Sarish Talikota, Documentation Specialist (R&D)

OK a.m.b.a.

Arrangementet levede helt op til vores forventninger. Det var fedt at få rystet op i kollegaerne og blive udfordret på de forskellige indgangsvinkler og holdninger, der er til dilemmaerne. Der bliver plads til refleksion over de dilemmaer man selv støder på i dagligdagen, og hvordan de tackles. Tusind tak for denne gang 🙂

OK a.m.b.a.
Marianne Jensen, Afdelingschef

Danfoss Power Solutions A/S

It was really fun!! We all enjoyed it, the change between virtual rooms worked perfectly. Your staff did a great job in their rolls. The experience was amazing!! Thanks for the service from the beginning till the end.

Danfoss Power Solutions A/S
Rajithaa Sritharan, Well-being Specialist

Nilens Jord

1.000 tak for et helt fantastisk arrangement i fredags. Det hele var super professionelt, underholdende og sjovt. Super gode instruktører i havde med, så stor ros til dem. I det hele taget har vi ikke en finger at sætte på noget i hele forløbet. Vi er 100% tilfredse med det hele. Endnu engang 1000 tak 🙂

Nilens Jord
Karin Faber, Product Manager

Universal Robots A/S

Vi havde Lykke & Co. til at lave teambuilding til vores afdelingsarrangement og det var virkelig godt!! Planlægningen og gennemførslen af mordopklaringen var professionel og alle hyggede sig med det. Tusind tak for en sjov/læringsrig eftermiddag.

Universal Robots A/S
Mareile Rauer, Mareile Rauer

SDU, Research & Innovation Organisation

The students had fun, enjoyed a lot and felt the game was well structured and meaningful. It was a very nice way of starting the programme and engaging the students with the topic of sustainability.

SDU, Research & Innovation Organisation
Andreia Onofre, Forretningsudvikler